We have plenty of interesting information and resources from these local St. Mary’s Parish Lindsay organizations for you to choose, how you can volunteer, and be a part of your community. Read about, join or follow Our Parish Ministries Read more
CWL Annual General Meeting Come to St. Mary’s school for our meeting at noon on Sun. Feb. 11 which features a soup and bun lunch. There will be elections (no nominations from the floor), the annual report, budget, faith, Read more
Get your tickets for this pancake supper after the masses the next two weekends.
See poster for more details. Larger meal $10, smaller $7 and children 4 and under eat free.
Two sittings – 4:30 pm and 5:15 pm Read more
January 21st after the 9am and 11am Masses, CWL will be hosting Coffee Sunday.
Volunteers welcome, and your donations of treats can be brought to the school before Masses on Sunday.
Thank you!