Catholic Education Week

Starting Sunday, May 2, 2021, the Catholic schools in our parish will engage in a series of events to celebrate the ongoing gift of publicly-funded Catholic education while celebrating the theme “Nurturing Hope”. You are invited to learn about Read more

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First Reconciliation, Communion, or Confirmation Candidates

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Once again we are following in-step with the current Lockdown order. Updates to our sacraments are as follows:

First Reconciliation: Please call the rectory to book your child’s First Reconciliation with Father Innocent. Our church Read more

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First Reconciliation, Communion, or Confirmation Candidates

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Thank you for your patience as we adjust to the evolving recommendations by our Health Unit around safety during the pandemic.

As such, we have to adjust the dates for the sacraments for our children, Read more

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