First Reconciliation, Communion, or Confirmation Candidates

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Once again we are following in-step with the current Lockdown order. Updates to our sacraments are as follows:

First Reconciliation:
Please call the rectory to book your child’s First Reconciliation with Father Innocent. Our church tour and rehearsal scheduled for May 1 is cancelled.

First Communion:
First Communion will be postponed until we have a better idea of how to safely move forward after the Lockdown.

We are currently uncertain if there might be changes to our planned Confirmation. As such, we will be in touch with you as soon as we are able to provide safe direction.

Please continue to support your child in completing the mass journals (online catholic masses are available), activities in the Chosen textbook, and the Saints’ project.

We would like to receive your ten mass journals by May 14th. The journals can be placed in the Rectory mailbox at 40 Russell Street East, Lindsay.

Thank you and God Bless.
Father Balonwu