Youth News Week 8 – 2018

“All of us can attain to Christian virtue and holiness, no matter in what condition of life we live and no matter what our life work may be.” — St Francis de Sales.

This week at Chosen we learned about developing and practicing virtues (good habits). We discussed the human virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance which can be obtained through practice and deliberate action and the Christian virtues of faith, hope and charity which are directly related to God and given by Him to help us act as His children and merit eternal life. We also learned about venial and mortal sin, how sin wounds us, weakens or severs our relationship with God, clouds our judgement and negatively affects our relationships with others. We learned that building lives of virtue helps to protect us against sin and overcome it. Finally, we learned that God’s love and mercy are always available to us when we come to Him with contrite hearts in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and that the best way to prepare for this sacrament is by examining our conscience in living His commandments through the practice of virtue. We also had fun playing games and closed our evening with time for quiet prayer in the church. Grade 7 and 8 students, please join us this week as we learn about boundaries and how they keep us safe and enable us to live life to the fullest! New members are always welcome! Next meeting Tuesday February 13th 7-9pm, St Mary’s School.

This week at Ora et Labora we learned how through reason we can in fact prove God’s existence. We had fun playing a game of soccer and enjoyed pizza. High school students, please join us for our next meeting Friday February 23rd 7pm St Mary’s School. New members are always welcome!

Recent entries in this St. Mary’s Parish Community Youth topic:
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Stay connected with other Catholics in the area and to find out what Catholic youth events are coming up next in our parish community. Please register with this site at the Join Our Community link so that you can receive emails about up and coming events in our local Catholic Schools, Fleming College Catholics (FCC), and many other Catholic youth organizations! God bless and Welcome to Saint Mary’s!

Contact Us: Email:
Youth Office Location: 40 Russell St. E, Lindsay, ON K9V 2A4 (Inside St. Mary’s Church Rectory)
Phone Number: youth office (705) 324-4828

Other Weblinks: Diocese of Peterborough Youth Office webpage: