Youth News Week 26 – 2018

This week we held our last Chosen meeting as we will now take a break for the summer! A big THANK YOU to Cassie David for hosting our “end of the semester” party on Tuesday evening! We had so much fun; swimming, fishing, kayaking, enjoying pizza and treats and toasting marshmallows! It was a fitting celebration to end our semester! Our high school youth group, Ora et Labora, will also be taking a break for the summer and will resume in September.

Thank you to all of the young people and their parents for staying committed to our meetings. What a great joy it was to build some meaningful friendships as we met for our weekly and bi-weekly meetings to grow in our faith and enjoy the gift of each other. We look forward to resuming both groups in the fall!

On behalf of all of the youth of the parish we wish to express our gratitude to Father Eric for his commitment to helping us grow in our Catholic faith and our love of Christ. He has served us in so many ways – sharing his wisdom and his knowledge and his joy! But most of all we are grateful for all of the opportunities we’ve had to join together in prayer, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Holy Mass! May you be richly blessed in your new assignment Father Eric!


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Stay connected with other Catholics in the area and to find out what Catholic youth events are coming up next in our parish community. Please register with this site at the Join Our Community link so that you can receive emails about up and coming events in our local Catholic Schools, Fleming College Catholics (FCC), and many other Catholic youth organizations! God bless and Welcome to Saint Mary’s!

Contact Us: Email:
Youth Office Location: 40 Russell St. E, Lindsay, ON K9V 2A4 (Inside St. Mary’s Church Rectory)
Phone Number: youth office (705) 324-4828

Other Weblinks: Diocese of Peterborough Youth Office webpage: