Youth News Week 24 – 2018

This week at Chosen we came to understand more about the beauty and truth of the Sacrament of Matrimony. We learned that marriage is a gift from God that is sacrificial and life giving. We also learned that God intended marriage for a man and a woman to experience His love, in their love for each other, and to strive for holiness as each one loves, serves and makes sacrifices for the other in a life-long commitment. We also prayed a special prayer for our priests and all of the priests of the Diocese who were away on retreat and finished our night having some fun playing volleyball! Grade 7 and 8 students, please join us for our next meeting Tuesday, Jun 12th 7-9pm, St Mary’s School.

Thank you to all of the high school students who joined us on Friday, Jun 8th for an evening of indoor rock climbing at the Boys and Girls Club of Kawartha Lakes. This challenging activity really put our endurance skills to the test as young adults had an adrenaline-pumping physical and mental work-out building upper-body strength and planning skills scaling the indoor rock wall! Our next Ora et Labora meeting will take place on Friday, Jun 22nd.


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Contact Us: Email:
Youth Office Location: 40 Russell St. E, Lindsay, ON K9V 2A4 (Inside St. Mary’s Church Rectory)
Phone Number: youth office (705) 324-4828

Other Weblinks: Diocese of Peterborough Youth Office webpage: