Youth News Week 22 – 2018

This week at Chosen we learned about the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation which the Catechism also calls the “sacrament of conversion, of confession and of forgiveness”. We learned that our merciful Father awaits us in this sacrament to forgive us, heal us and bring us back into the fullness of joy and peace in relationship with Him. We also had fun running a “muddy” relay race and celebrating Griffin’s Birthday with some delicious treats!
Grade 7 and 8 students, please join us next Tuesday, May 29th 7-9pm, St Mary’s School.
New members are always welcome!

“The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus.”
St. John Vianney

Thank you to all of the youth who joined us for Father Stephen’s Priestly Ordination on Friday. What a joy it was to be present as Deacon Stephen received the Sacrament of Holy Orders! We look forward to welcoming him to our parish in June! Young adults are invited to join us for a night of board games at the Parish Office on Wednesday May 30th following the 7pm Mass. Please join us for some fun and fellowship!


Recent entries in this St. Mary’s Parish Community Youth topic:
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Stay connected with other Catholics in the area and to find out what Catholic youth events are coming up next in our parish community. Please register with this site at the Join Our Community link so that you can receive emails about up and coming events in our local Catholic Schools, Fleming College Catholics (FCC), and many other Catholic youth organizations! God bless and Welcome to Saint Mary’s!

Contact Us: Email:
Youth Office Location: 40 Russell St. E, Lindsay, ON K9V 2A4 (Inside St. Mary’s Church Rectory)
Phone Number: youth office (705) 324-4828

Other Weblinks: Diocese of Peterborough Youth Office webpage: