Youth News Update

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Pancake Competition Breakfast is this coming Sunday!
January 26th, after the 9:00 a.m and the 11:00 a.m. masses.
$5 a person or $20 a family. Come on out for a fun time, and vote on pancakes to help us determine who the pancake master-chef is!
Youth will be cooking the pancakes, and all proceeds will support youth planning to go to the Steubenville Toronto Catholic conference this summer.

Grade 7&8 Night is Wednesday, January 22nd! Come on out for fun, learn about our faith and hang out with some good Catholic friends.

Highschool Night is Thursday, January 23rd! Be there! Be square!
Take the dare! (Bring someone with you)
All Young Adults are all invited are invited to a holy hour being held at St. Alphonsus Parish on January 24th from 6:30-9:00.
For carpooling details please contact Andrew Hamon, Youth Coordinator
Rebels for Christ St. Mary’s Catholic Church