Youth News

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Remember to join the Youth for Pancake Breakfast THIS WEEKEND! Jan 13th after the Morning masses.
The cost of the breakfast is $5. Your support is immensely appreciated. Thank you.

This coming weekend the youth of our parish will be hosting MORNING WATCH, an all-night adoration from the evening on Friday the 18th to the morning Mass on Saturday.
If you the youth could arrive at the church at 7pm on Friday that would be great. Adoration will officially start at 10 for the parish. Please join us for any amount of time all throughout the night.

NET Ministries, the National Evangelization Team will be giving the grade 7’s a post Confirmation Retreat on Tuesday the 15th.
They will also be giving the grade 12s at St. Thomas a graduation retreat on Monday the 14th.
Please keep them and all the participants in your prayers!
God Bless!