Alpha is here!

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. We begin with dinner to build a community of friendships.
Then we watch and discuss a video.
Alpha sessions are weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 pm starting September 11th to November 20th.

Comments from an Alpha guest:
Alpha helped me understand that a personal relationship with God can be very practical; praying in the car, at work or at home. Life can be very busy with work, kids, marriage, etc so it’s nice to know you can take quiet moments throughout the day to stay connected with your faith. Alpha really helped me understand that faith is not only about saying but doing, and how we act in our lives can be a testimony to our faith.

Please pray for the program, the Alpha team and guests. Join us for Alpha and invite a friend or neighbour.
If you are interested in participating in Alpha or have questions about the program, contact Helena Lessard at helena . lessard @ live . ca or phone 705.878.0569.