Pastor’s Note

Second Sunday of AdventWe start again the season of Advent this Sunday, which represents the time to prepare for the coming of Jesus and preparation for the Christmas season. Following Catholic tradition it is a time of minor fasting and penance.

Following this tradition, I try to avoid festivities in Advent, Christmas parties, fasting from sweets, etc., while planning ways to give to those in need. I find this helps me spiritually to prepare for Christmas to be a “spiritual” celebration of the birth of Jesus. Fr. Joseph LoJaconoThen I enjoy better the “Christmas” season, with Mass, festivities, sweets, etc. starting December 25th with my religious family, IVE priests and religious sisters. During the time the rest of society says the “season” is over. I invite you to enter into the season of Advent preparing with some prayers and sacrifices for the coming of Jesus.