Pastor’s Note

A word of “thanks” to those who have been extraordinary ministers in the past.

I want to offer a brief explanation about Extraordinary ministers and how I will work with them, since there has already been some people puzzled about my procedures. Following Church directives from the Vatican and Catholic tradition the pastor has two solemn responsibilities that shape our relation to ministers of the Eucharist.
1. We priests have a solemn duty to visit the sick and homebound in the parish.
2. We have a solemn duty to make sure the Eucharist is respected and extraordinary ministers are well trained.
Thus, you will see the priests asking all people currently requesting communion in a pyx to come to us after Mass. We are doing this so we can get a notion of who you are visiting, so we can visit them also and make sure such persons receive the Eucharist if the extraordinary minister gets sick. Secondly, so we can make sure you have proper formation as an Extraordinary minister. Such formation recognizes that such ministry is not a “life time” appointment and one needs to be reappointed after some years for ministry within one’s parish boundaries. Thus, I would like to meet with each person that has been acting as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist. Please schedule a meeting with me. Thanks.

Note about Masks any health concerns about Covid
Please be attentive to continue to follow the province of Ontario’s directive in union with Bishop Daniel Miehm about hygiene and mask wearing in the Churches. Be attentive to wearing your mask correctly covering the nose. You can help older people, or people with physical difficulties make sure they are wearing their mask correctly. We are aware that some people have medical reasons they cant wear a mask, so they opt for a face screen. I ask everyone to accommodating to people who have such difficulties. In other public spaces such as restaurants they are trying to be so accommodating.
If one still has difficulties in enclosed spaces with people, you may take the option of watching a Sunday Mass streaming on the internet and attend a Mass during the week as my own parents did for a long time over the last few years.