Pastor’s Corner

Fr. Joseph LoJaconoI wanted to explain further some characteristics of the IVE, our religious order so you can know us better. In our offering Mass we tend to focus on reverence. We strive to be “Jesus” focused, strictly following the liturgical rubrics enumerated since Vatican II by the Magisterium. We have great devotion to the Virgin Mary.
We present the Catholic Faith following the Vatican in continuity with tradition appreciating the great masters of the faith and teaching, especially, St. Alphonsus Ligouri, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Louis Mary de Montfort, St. John of the Cross and St. Thomas Aquinas.
Sadly, I feel we have not been able to present yet, the more exuberant elements of our religious family, emphasizing festivities, dynamic youth events, and shows, following the examples of St. John Bosco and St. Philip Neri.
I hope in time as we can have more social events there will be opportunities to present this.