Pastor’s Corner

Fr. Joseph LoJaconoAn important aspect of Lenten spirituality is support of the poor, which can include sacrifices on their behalf. This would be a good opportunity to support parish ministries, Development and Peace, presenting this weekend, and St. Vincent de Paul. It would be good to also support outreaches for Ukraine from Development and Peace, and Knights of Columbus. In this time of Lent, it would be good to make ongoing goals for the stewardship over the blessed gifts you have received, financially and volunteering, for the poor, the marginalized, the unborn, the forgotten.

A good goal is SMART, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time bound. For example, a good stewardship goal might be—I will assess my finances by the end of Lent and then plan to give “x” $ annually from net income to the parish collection and $50 monthly to Development and Peace, and write into my will a donation for a specified charity. Or after assessing my leisure time, I will research local volunteer opportunities by the end of Lent and then plan to offer “X” number of volunteer hours to that organization. Pray, plan and then act.