Pastor’s Corner

Fr. Joseph LoJaconoAs we have started into the 40 days of Lent we can recall the reasons for this season, to meditate on the passion and death of our Lord. The traditional practices associated with Lent “40 days”, fasting, prayer and almsgiving help us to focus on the mission of Christ, which we are called to enter into.

“Christian” meditation is properly focused on relationship with Jesus Christ crucified, practices. Following the continuous tradition it does not emphasize prayer mantras, but meditation on biblical scenes including the passion and crucifixion. This meditation opens to conversation with Jesus, which open up to the grace to be in silent awareness and loving relation with Jesus. Fasting brings our wills in union with God, putting away the world, the devil, and our own flesh. Almsgiving, giving to the poor, and correcting those in error, a spiritual work of mercy, help us to participate in the mission of Christ who came to relieve the physically and spiritually poor for He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.