Pastor’s Corner

Fr. Joseph LoJaconoThank you for all the Christmas gifts I and Fr. Jim received, in monetary gifts, sweets, meals and prayers. I thank the following for their monetary gifts, the Catholic Women’s League, Gloria Broad, Deanna and Lawrence Allen, Mike and Joy Hannon, Mary Wansbrough, Julio, Noreen Brasier, the O’Brien family, Theresa Haley, Gary and Pat Clarke, Roan and Frances Seguin. I thank Gloria Broad for her donation and great volunteer work, Wayne and Glenda Klein for your donations and gifts, for Elisabeth Sims for the meal, for Anne Davies for sharing your reflections and donation. Thanks to Dan and Tammie Callaghan, and Pat and Pam Lynch for the gifts. Thanks to Nora and Don Headley for your spiritual bouquet. Thanks to Dorothy Carroll for your reflections also and Val for her gifts and extra work decorating the rectory. For anyone else I missed thank you! God’s blessing upon you all.

I thank also, the St. Joseph’s workers, Church decorating crew, Grace, Mike, and choir members and all those who helped to make Christmas special.

We continue to trust in the Lord as we face the Omicron variant. Note our parish office will have limited in person staffing at this time and there will be limited parish activities. I will be streaming Masses soon from St. Mary’s.