Merry Christmas

The peace of the child Jesus to you during this time!

In this time in which we celebrate the birth of the child of Jesus rejoicing with the shepherds, the angels, Mother Mary, and St. Joseph, we can count the blessings that the Lord has given to St. Mary’s. This year the parish gave a good send off to Fr Balonwu Okpe. We hope the best for him as he pursues further studies. I, Fr. Joseph LoJacono, IVE, started as the new pastor, trying humbly to build on the great work of pastors before me. Fr. Jim Byrnes, IVE and I, as members of the Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE), are pleased to be at St. Mary’s trying to serve the Lord and the people of God at St. Mary’s.

We bid a fond farewell to Valerie Finley, the long-time “everything” staff member at St. Mary’s as she starts retirement. She will always remain a welcome member of our parish. We look forward to the work of Karen Quinn who takes over as office manager. In my short time here, I see reasons already to rejoice at the many volunteers coming back or stepping up as extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, lectors, members of the CWL, Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul, Development and Peace, the St. Joseph Workers, ushers, money counters, catechists, choir, decorators and many more. You are a blessing! Thank you also for the witness of so many people of Faith at St. Mary’s who give testimony to belief in the Catholic faith.

To all parishioners I pray for peace in this time and the new year. I pray that you live in trust of the child Jesus and know that the Lord will guide you, whatever comes, with the prayers of St. Joseph and Mother Mary. Let us now rejoice with the angels at this time for a child is born unto us. As a sign of hope, you will see the Nativity scene remaining up in the Church until our proper feast day, February 2nd, Purification of Mary. Keep your light of Christ lit throughout the year!

God bless you!
Fr. Joseph LoJacono