Pastor’s Corner

Fr. Joseph LoJaconoAs we celebrate the last day of the Octave of Easter we remember the grandeur of the Mercy of God. I would recommend all of you to have a devotion to God’s great Divine Mercy. We will have a special holy hour at 3:00PM today with adoration of the Eucharist, reciting the Divine Mercy chaplet and confessions. I encourage you to seek the plenary indulgence by entering into devotions this day, confessing Sunday or within 8 days of the Divine Mercy Sunday.

There are tremendous graces promised to those who recite the Divine Mercy chaplet with dying souls. I personally twice received powerful graces for loved ones dying asking and receiving the inspiration to be reciting the Divine Mercy chaplet when my sister was dying at 4:00AM and a cousin dying at 1:00AM when both were across the country from me.