Parish Yard Sale

Parish Yard SaleSEPTEMBER 30 2023
The parish yard sale fall date has been set for September 30th 2023.

Donations of good clean and reusable and resaleable items are being accepted by the Knights of Columbus. Preferably your donations may be delivered on Friday September 29th, at St. Mary’s school gym-10:00-2:00.

No clothing, upholstered furniture or mattresses please.

If you wish to drop off or have someone pickup your items for the sale you can contact Wylie 705 324 0225.
Help is always needed for setting up on Fri. Sept. 29, at 9:00-4:00 and taking down on Sunday after the 11:00 am Mass. Anyone able to help, please just show up at St. Mary’s School Gym. Thank you for your generous support.