July 1 through July 5, Father Simon will be away August and September, Father Dominic will be away
The office will be closed July 1 through July 5, voicemail and emails will be returned the following week. If you need to contact a priest for anointing of the sick or any other emergency, please call the rectory (705-324-4828) and follow instructions for emergency. Thank you.
Summer Office Hours July and August: Monday through Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Thursday and Friday 9:00 a.m. to noon. Please call ahead in the event of last-minute schedule
APPROVAL NEEDED FOR ITEMS DISPLAYED IN BACK OF CHURCH Any items, media, books, bookmarks, posters, cards etc. being placed in the back of the Church must be approved by the office.
BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Notices for the bulletin are due Tuesdays at noon. Please email your notice as it should appear in the bulletin and be considerate of space (between 200 – 400 characters with spaces.) The office may modify submissions, thank you.