March for Life! Right to Life!

March for Life
Thursday, May 12, 2022 – Kawartha4Life has booked a bus going from Lindsay to Ottawa.
There are still some seats available!
Seat Price $40 – first 16 children* to book ride FREE (*up to age of 13). For more information please call Marie Young 705 878 3968 or Teresa Mulligan 705 313 3241

Right to Life
We’re collecting signatures to support Bill C-230 the Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act. This will legally allow medical professionals to conscientiously object to euthanasia, assisted suicide, or medical assistant in dying (MAID) without being reprimanded. Collected signatures will be taken to Jamie Schmale, Conservative MP for presentation to Parliament. We will be at the back of the church on April 23rd, after the 5pm mass and April 24th after masses. Please come and support this initiative.