ST. MARY’S IS NOW HIRING With our valued Organist stepping down, we are looking for a person to fill the position of ORGANIST. This is a part-time position, playing the organ for the 9am and 11am masses. Candidates should have knowledge/experience of the organ and a willingness to learn the order of the mass. Interested candidates should contact the rectory office at 705-324-4828 for a full job description.
DIOCESAN JOB OPPORTUNITY The Roman Catholic Diocese of Peterborough is seeking a full-time (32.5-hour work week) Senior Finance Assistant at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre in Peterborough. Job description is available at the parish website and by emailing the office Office @ stmaryslindsay . ca
JOB POSTING ENNISMORE St. Martin of Tours in Ennismore has a Part- Time Job Opening for a Parish Reception, Administrative Assistant and Bookkeeper. Email office @ stmartinsennismore . ca, call 705-292-8823 or visit the website at