Have Your Say!

Diocese of PeterboroughThe Roman Catholic Diocese of Peterborough is reopening the online survey from now until January 14, 2022.

If you attend a parish for the Christmas Masses, we would love to hear from you.

If you are joining this survey conversation for the first time, welcome. You will have the chance to respond with your own thoughts and to rate the input of others which you will be able to see and read through.

If you participated in the survey before, please take a look now. There are new thoughts to rate, and you may have other thoughts to add to the conversation.

Weblink: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/scroll/289831760/welcome
Parish: https://www.peterboroughdiocese.org/en/about-us/pastoral-planning.aspx

Paper: paper copies are available at the back of the church, ask an usher for assistance.