First Reconciliation, Communion, or Confirmation Candidates

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Thank you for your patience as we adjust to the evolving recommendations by our Health Unit around safety during the pandemic.

As such, we have to adjust the dates for the sacraments for our children, please review the changes below and do call the rectory office if you require further information.

First Reconciliation:
Church tour and rehearsal scheduled for May 1 is cancelled. There are too many uncertainties with the Lockdown order and the school board move to virtual learning.

Please call the rectory to book your child’s First Reconciliation with Father Innocent

First Communion:
Masses are at 15% capacity, which means that we can still continue with your child’s First Communion.

If you have already scheduled your child’s First Communion please keep the date.

If you have still not booked your child’s First Communion please call the rectory as soon as possible.

For our Confirmation candidates we will maintain our current schedule and provide updates, if necessary:
Confirmation will be celebrated May 23rd 2021:

1 p.m. Students of St. Dominic’s maximum 8 people per family

3 p.m. Students of St. John Paul, St. Mary’s, and Public Schools, maximum 10 people per family

Confirmation candidates, two items to remember please:

1) Please return your completed mass journals to the rectory office or to any of the priests after Sunday mass. Your journals are due on or before May 14th at 11 a.m. Remember these journals are compulsory to obtain your Sacrament!

2) Saint Project information can be obtained from the Diocese website Sacrament of Confirmation during COVID-19 –

3) On the day of your Confirmation bring a 5×7 sheet of paper displaying the Saint’s name

Thank you and God Bless.
Father Balonwu