COVID Announcement


Clergy and staff at St. Mary Parish rectory have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus. They will follow the direction of the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge Health Unit.

To ensure that every health precaution is taken, the clergy and staff exposed to the virus will absent themselves from St. Mary’s at this time.

The schedule for Sunday Masses this weekend will be celebrated as usual at the parish.
However, the Saturday Mass on April 9th and the Daily Masses from April 12 to 15th are cancelled..

We want to reassure the parishioners of St. Mary Parish that we will follow the direction of the Health Unit, the parish’s COVID-19 Safety Plan, and the WorshipSafe guidelines, to look after the health of the priests, staff, and the parishioners.

Let us continue to pray for all those impacted locally and globally by the pandemic, those who are suffering with the virus, and for everyone’s good health.