HELP US DECORATE FOR CHRISTMAS! As we welcome advent to our parish join us after 5pm Mass on December 2nd, 9th, 16th to decorate the church in preparation for the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Coffee and treats in the sacristy afterwards.
CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR SENIORS IN LONG TERM CARE All parishioners are invited to add a special message to Christmas cards that will be distributed to over 600 residents of Lindsay in LTC homes. A list of instructions is included in each package of 10 cards. Merry Christmas and your first name would be sufficient. Please return the packages to the Church by December 10th. Thank you in advance for your support.
CHRISTMAS BOUQUET CARDS Christmas Bouquet cards have arrived! The intentions of these Christmas Cards are for living and deceased loved ones, friends, etc. Please complete the envelope form, and include an offering. Intentions will be offered at the 10:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass. Please put your envelope in the collection basket or bring it to the rectory no later than Wednesday December 20th at noon so we have the intentions for the Mass on Christmas Eve. Cards are at the back of the Church or at the parish office.