Society Saint Vincent De Paul Lindsay

Society of St. Vincent dePaul
Tax receipts have been mailed out to donors. There was an inquiry about electronic giving. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Mary’s Conference is a member of Canada Helps. This is a registered charity that is dedicated to charitable giving. It will set up monthly giving for you.

There is a need for small shampoo or conditioner for the palliative patients at the hospital. If you have travelled and have a few bottles left over, please donate.

The Lindsay Community Food Market has settled into their new location on Russell Street. They welcome donations of peanut butter, cereal, salmon, pasta and any empty dish soap bottles. Appointments- call (705) 328-5758.

Everyone is welcome to our monthly meeting on the last Friday of each month. The next meeting is February 23rd at 10:00 am in the K of C Meeting Room.
Neighbours in need, please call (705) 340 – 3001.