CWL Lindsay News

Catholic Women's LeagueOur memberships are due this month!!
There’s a variety of ways to pay your $25.00 membership at this time:
* In your box of envelopes dated November 14th.
* Drop off at the rectory in an envelope with any change of address, phone # or email.
* If you are unable to get out and would like us to pick up call:
* Also at this time e-transfer is available to:

November General Meeting:
Tuesday November 16th at 6:30 pm in the Church at St. Mary’s. Meeting will include
* Prayer Service for Deceased Members
* Come find out about your “Personality” through “Colours”

Christmas Luncheon: Tuesday December 7th at 12 noon
in the Lindsay Golf & Country Club to include Turkey Dinner at $25.00
For your tickets call Gloria Broad at 705-324-2290 or Anne Marie Werry 705-953-9730

Notice to all Parishioners!! We have been speaking with Cancer Society, Heart & Stroke etc. that send out packages of cards along with their request for money. They say don’t send them back because it costs them money, just use the cards!! Therefore please keep your packages and drop them off at the back of the church. There will be a box labelled “Cards for CWL”. We will use these cards in our community and parish. Thank you!