Saint Vincent De Paul Society

Society of St. Vincent dePaul

We are still sharing our weekly food collection with the Lindsay Community Food Market. Needed items include toilet paper, peanut butter, pasta, sauce, body wash, razors, pork & beans, and cereal. Please place your donations in the SSVP bins. Thanks in advance for brightening someone’s day.

Society of St. Vincent DePaul at work in the Lindsay communitySSVP MILK BAG WEAVERS meet weekly to weave the outer milk bags into sleeping mats which are sent to other countries.
The weavers meet Tuesday 10 to noon, in the Knights Hall, volunteers welcome. Our next meeting: January 24th 10am to noon in the Knights Hall.
Also welcome for donation are your clean and dry outer colourful milk bag jackets which can be left in the plastic bin at the main entrance of the church. Not needed are elastics to hold the milk bags together, or any other storage bags.
Did you know? It takes about 650 milk bags to make one adult size mat. Since last May, we have made 4 mats. Three of which have been given to Kawartha Missions, in Lindsay, who will forward them to Canadian Food For Children. About 2500 milk bags have been collected.