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And currently we have the following News Updates form some of our ministries.
ROSARY MAKERS We are looking for destinations that we can distribute our rosaries. If you know of a place please leave a note in the collection basket, or email the parish office Rosary Makers is encouraging people to sign up for Ascension Press Rosary in a Year, on you tube and ascension press app, Prayer plan can be downloaded Host is Father Mark-Mary Ames.
CATHOLIC WOMEN`S LEAGUE Your 2025 membership of $40 is now due. Please put it in an envelope with personal information plus email address. There is a CWL envelope in your box of church envelopes. questions or concerns, please call Gloria 705-324-2290.
FAITH FORMATION Lila Rose’s Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress March 11, 2025 at 7:00 pm. Sister Bethany Madonna (Sisters of Life), March 25, at 7:00 p.m. We hope you will join us for this outstanding presentation!
SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL Thank you to all parishioners for your donations at last weeks collection Your weekly donations of non-perishable food help us to feed the hungry through Lindsay Community Food Market where our members are part of the team helping others. Donations of Cereal, Soups, Toilet Paper, Peanut Butter, Pasta, canned meats, chili, vegetables and Tuna are much appreciated. We appreciate and thank you for your ongoing generosity and prayers.
Our next collection is March 1st and 2nd. Thank you for your continued generosity.
Neighbours in need please call 705-340-3001