FAITH FORMATION We will gather again to watch Chris Stefanick speak at the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress. February 4th at 7:00 pm – St Mary’s Sacristy We hope you will join us for this outstanding presentation! CATHOLIC WOMEN`S LEAGUE AGM. After 11:00 mass Sun. Feb. 9. Soup and Bun lunch. Open to all women in the parish. Membership of $40 is due. Place in envelope with contact information plus email. Questions or concerns call Gloria 705-324-2290. ST. MARY’S CEMETERY The cemetery Annual General Meeting will be on Sunday 9th February at 2:00 pm. in the Knights of Columbus room. All plot holders and interested parishioners are encouraged to attend. Election of directors and other annual business will take place at this meeting. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL We had the luncheon/social on January 23 and used that as our regular meeting. We meet again for business in February 28. It is the last Friday in February Neighbours in need please call 705-340-3001 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS If you are at all interested in becoming a Knight or learning more of what we do and why we do it, by all means contact Dale Darroch 705 -308 -8265. There is no heavy time commitment and no expectations. We are just a group that tries to quietly help our parish and community in the best way we can.