Parish Ministries in Action

Parish Ministries

Knights Of Columbus
June 12th after the 11am Mass join us in the parish hall (school gym) to honour and celebrate two recipients of the Knights of Columbus Distinguished Service Award: Paul Cayley and Paul Skipworth. Light refreshments will be offered along with a great opportunity to socialize with your fellow parishioners. See you then!

Baby Bottle Boomerang – You can bring your donation to the parish office during office hours or return donations on Father’s Day June 19th. Let us support life at all its stages. So far $1242 has been raised!

Society of Saint Vincent De Paul
June 17 at 11:30am we will hold a luncheon meeting at St. Mary Elementary Breakfast Room.
Milk Bags – We are still collecting clean dry milk bags (outside coloured ones) to be woven into sleeping mats and sent overseas. Please leave these in the SSVP food tub by the doors.