Please join us in Victoria Park on Tuesdays at 10:30am to pray Our Lady’s Rosary. Everyone is most welcome! Those with mobility issues remain seated in the park to pray the Rosary.
The collection for SSVP will take place this weekend. Your generosity as always is appreciated.
The Lindsay Community Food Market served 4,400 people last year. Your donation of food and dollars through SSVP makes a difference. Thank you! Pasta, toilet paper and shampoo continue to be needed.
Please check the BEST BEFORE DATE has not passed on food donations We want to make sure that your generous donations make it into the hands of those in need.
June 8: General Council Meeting – Council Officer nominations and elections. This will be the last meeting before we break for summer.
June 9: Special Olympics Banquet – calling on food server volunteers Contact Mike for details: 905 862 8327
Please join us on 13 June for an outdoor rosary procession in honour of Our Lady of Fatima’s Feast Day.
Our Lady’s message to the three children was to
Pray The Rosary
In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph!
Words of Our Lady to the shepherd children.
Service Awards Celebration – June 6 at 5:30 in school gym. Attendees are asked to bring either their favourite appetizer for the Happy Appy Yappy part from 5:30 until after 6 or their favourite decadent dessert. If you wish to share your recipe, then bring a copy along. Guess who’s getting a pin to celebrate 60 years of faith, service and social justice work. Everyone is welcome.
Thank You – Thanks to all who brought in their bottles and cans for our bottle drive. Almost $500 was raised. If you forgot the date and had planned to participate, just return the bottles or cans, place your refund in an envelope marked CWL Bottle Drive and place it in the collection basket. Every item recycled makes a difference to our environment.
There are still a few bottles left. If you have taken one, please plan to return it by Father’s Day on Sunday June 18th. Include your name on the donor card inside the bottle if you wish a receipt. There will be volunteers and collection tubs at the church doors.
If you would rather take part in another way, you can donate:
on-line at http://www.CanadaHelps.org
on line by e-transfer to info@klpcentre.ca
in-person at their location at 241 Kent St W, Lindsay
Please mention that the donation is for Baby Bottle Boomerang (BBB) and you are from St. Mary’s Church. Help support this wonderful cause. Call the Kawartha Lakes Pregnancy Centre at 705-878-8527 or visit their website at klpcentre.ca for details about their excellent services for women who are pregnant and need our support.