A New Home for the Homeless in City of Kawartha Lakes

A Place Called Home - LindsayA Place Called Home

On June 6, 2022, clients were welcomed in a brand-new building that is believed to be the only purpose-built shelter for the homeless in Canada. The clients had spent almost two years in a local motel due to the social distancing needed during the pandemic. The organization needed to raise $1.5 million. In spite of the pandemic, the community came together, and this goal has almost been reached through grants and donations.

Joanne and GlendaThe new site will be able to provide two-tiered accommodations. Clients can receive services and find funding based on their needs. They can remain in the shelter for a few months. The opportunity to rent a room in a separate building will also be available. This is important as there is limited rental spaces in the region. There are counselling rooms, kitchen facilities, single bedrooms and separate bathrooms available in the shelter. It is also an accessible building.

joanne-ssvpThe St. Mary’s Church community in Lindsay supported the people housed at the motel with regular donations of food, baking and donations. The joint efforts of the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) assisted clients that grew in numbers during the pandemic from 17 to over 100.

A Place Called Home, Furnish a Room Project, was supported through the generosity of citizens, churches and local business. apch-donation-plaquesThe CWL and the SSVP donated funds to furnish two rooms. Donation plaques were placed outside each sponsored room. St. Mary’s Church purchased a memorial brick that was placed on the outside wall of the entrance. Pictured are SSVP President Joanne Hough and CWL President Glenda Klein and brick sponsor, St. Mary’s Church.