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And currently we have the following news form some of our ministries for you.
ROSARY MAKERS Rosary makers will be meeting again Mondays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Knights Hall. New volunteers always welcome. We have all the supplies you need. LEGION OF MARY We have returned to Victoria Park for the Rosary on Tuesdays at 11:00am. Come and Join us! WOMEN SHARING WISDOM WORKSHOP All women of the parish are welcome to join us on Saturday, January 18th. From 9:30 am until 11:30 am. We will be meeting at Saint Mary’s gym to chat about how we can live out your faith as a Catholic Women. Refreshments will be provided. FAITH FORMATION We will gather again to watch Chris Stefanick speak at the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress February 4th @ 7:00 pm – St Mary’s Sacristy We hope you will join us for this outstanding presentation! CATHOLIC WOMEN`S LEAGUE Your 2025 membership of $40 is now due. Please put it in an envelope with personal information plus email address. There is a CWL envelope in your box of church envelopes. questions or concerns, please call Gloria 705-324-2290. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL Happy New Year, may you carry the comfort and joy of the manger into the new year Salvation Army is closed till mid January 2025. Greater demand placed on the Food Bank. Your weekly donations of non-perishable food help us to feed the hungry through Lindsay Community Food Market where our members are part of the team helping others. Donations of Cereal, Soups, Toilet Paper, Peanut Butter, Pasta, and Tuna are much appreciated. Donations can be left in the totes in the Church lobby. We appreciate and thank you for your ongoing generosity and prayers. Neighbours in need please call 705-340-3001 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS If you are at all interested in becoming a Knight or learning more of what we do and why we do it, by all means contact Dale Darroch 705 -308 -8265. There is no heavy time commitment and no expectations. We are just a group that tries to quietly help our parish and community in the best way we can.