Next meeting 8th of February after 7pm mass in the Knights Hall. New members welcome.
Local schools have once again been offered the opportunity to participate in the Knights of Columbus, International Basketball Free Throw Competition.
Interested students can check with their respective school about their participation in this exciting event.
All boys and girls ages 9-14 as of January 1, 2024, are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2024 Knights of Columbus International Basketball Free Throw Championship.
The local competition will be held Saturday, January 20th 2024, from 1000 hrs to 1200 hrs at St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, 260 Angeline St. South, Lindsay, Ontario.
The international Basketball Free Throw Championship is sponsored annually by the Knights of Columbus with winners progressing through local, district and state/provincial competition. International champions are announced by the Knights of Columbus International headquarters based on scores from the state/provincial level competitions. All competitors will compete in their respective age divisions.