Our Ministries in Action

We have plenty of interesting information and resources from these local St. Mary’s Parish Lindsay organizations for you to choose, how you can volunteer, and be a part of your community.

Read about, join or follow Our Parish Ministries & Services here.



Share Lent collection amounted to $3,420 and thank everyone for their generosity to help our sisters and brothers in the global south.
Also the ‘Stand for the Land’ petition for Honduras was extremely successful.
The target was to collect 32,000 signatures but thanks to the tremendous support from parishes across Canada a total of 52,629 signatures was recently delivered to the Honduran Ambassador in Ottawa.

Baby Bottle Boomerang is starting: Mother’s Day May 12th
Baby Bottles will be given out at church entrances on May 4th and May 5th with proceeds to the Kawartha Lakes Pregnancy Centre. Please return on Father’s Day or to the parish office during office hours.

Join us in the Sacristy for a faith video presentation and refreshments.
Faith Development
May 14, 2024 at 7:00 p.m – Pray the Mass like Never Before
May 28, 2024 at 7:00 p.m – The Mass Explained (All Parts)

May our Faith Journey bring us greater peace and joy

CWL Awards Luncheon at Celebrations: Wednesday May 29th.
Location: Mackey Celebrations, 35 Lindsay St N, Lindsay
Doors open 11:30 Lunch 12:30. Tickets are $25. Purchase from Gloria Broad, 705-324-2290 or Glenda Klein, 705-340-5357. Open to all women at St. Mary’s.

Parish Breakfast – The next parish breakfast, sponsored by the K of C and CWL, will be held on Sunday Sept. 29. Please mark your calendars so you can take part.

Society of St. Vincent dePaul
Congratulations to Glenda Klein who has been named Volunteer of the Year for Kawartha Food Source. She will receive the Barb Truax Award in the near future.
Thank you for your generous donation to the Society Saint Vincent de Paul May collection. Special thanks to all those who volunteered to assist with the collection this month.

If you can donate a food staple or two, Neighbours in Need would appreciate a hand up.
Items continue to be needed to keep the shelves full for our Neighbours in Need. If you can help out, donations of the following items are suggested: peanut butter, canned stew/chili/meat, canned pasta with meat, cookies, crackers, granola bars, canned vegetables, pasta sauce. Take advantages of sales when you are shopping. One or two items would make a difference!
Neighbours in need, please call (705) 340-3001.

If you are interested in helping the parish / community consider the joining the Knights of Columbus.