Special Events from CWL & KofC

Lori’s Place Housewarming Shower
Lori’s place is a new housing facility for women and their children who will be living there for up to two years while they heal from a past of violence and abuse.
Housewarming shower will take place at St. Mary’s Elementary, Breakfast room, Tuesday August 20th 2-4pm.
Suggested items (wrapped/bagged): Dbl/Twin sheets, Bath/Hand/Tea towels, Personal Care Body/Hair/Soap, Laundry (pods), Dish soap, Hand soap. monetary donations also accepted. Call-Gloria 324-2290 or Glenda Klein 340-5357


St. Mary's Parish Lindsay Golf Tournament 2021KNIGHTS OF CLOUMBUS NEWS
Sunday Sept 8 with 2:00pm. start
Once again, your Knights of Columbus will be putting on its annual charity Golf Tournament and it will be similar to last year –same course- Sturgeon Point Golf course, with a scramble fun focused format
Steak/baked potatoes/salads and pie supper to follow.
For signing up as a single or foursome contact Dale Darroch 705-308-8265, Tim Brasier 705-324-1986 or Dennis Callaghan 705-879-6684 Hope to see you there
Approx the same cost as last year – about $60.00 per player.