Fathers remember to bless your children.
I want to give a few words about blessings and forming a parish council.
I will be offering a blessing for those not receiving communion before general communion recognizing that some people are Read more
In this third article explaining my understanding of liturgy that corresponds to the IVE, I want to highlight a focus on “play” as symbolic of liturgy. The future Pope Benedict XVI explained, “Children’s play seems in many ways a Read more
I want to offer a brief teaching on the ideology of gender and self-harm. Often now the press focuses on polls showing that youth questioning their gender are more likely to suffer bullying and hurt themselves. Relating the story Read more
In this second article I want to continue to explain my understanding of liturgy that corresponds essentially to that of my religious order the IVE. As I said last week, liturgy is “given” we do not “make it.” I Read more
In a series of messages, I want to explain my understanding of liturgy which follows Sacred Tradition. Liturgy, encompasses the Mass and the Sacraments and means the participation of the People of God in the “work of God.” CCC Read more
I want to congratulate again the young people who received first communion this last weekend. It was great to see the children all excited to receive their first communion, their parents, other family, and friends joining them to fill Read more
I was greatly disappointed by the recent decision of the catholic school board to allow what is called the “Pride” flag on catholic schools in our area. This shows support of the “ideology of gender” that Pope Francis spoke Read more
This Sunday I wish all the Mothers a happy Mother’s day. The month of May is traditionally the month of Mary. Let us all recognize her as the heavenly Mother given by Jesus. In addition to the flower crown Read more
I want to give a word of caution about reliance on technology and the mentality of control in our contemporary culture. In bioethical reflections, the Pope has warned us about the mentality that promotes “technical efficiency” over trusting in Read more
As we celebrate the last day of the Octave of Easter we remember the grandeur of the Mercy of God. I would recommend all of you to have a devotion to God’s great Divine Mercy. We will have a Read more