On the weekend of July 31/August 1, the diocese will take a special collection supporting both Peterborough Campus Ministry and the Office of Vocations.
The Diocese of Peterborough will pray the Rosary together on Sunday, May 30th, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. Please tune in on our YouTube channel and join in this prayer together.
Roman Catholic Diocese Of Peterborough Clergy Appointments
The Most Reverend Daniel Miehm, Bishop of Peterborough, announces the following appointments of clergy. These moves are effective on Wednesday, July 28, 2021 unless otherwise noted.
RETIREMENT Father John Albao Read more
Dear Parishioners,
Greetings to everyone!
Once more things have changed for the worse in our province and we have to adjust accordingly.
Given the Premier’s announcement yesterday and following the Peterborough diocesan directive, we have to stop our daily Read more
The clergy and staff exposed to the COVID-19 virus at St. Mary Parish in Lindsay have followed the direction of the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit and the Ross Memorial Hospital.
This concern Read more
Go Fund Me Campaigns are NOT PERMITTED
Can. 1265 §1. Without prejudice to the right of religious mendicants, any private person, whether physical or juridic, is forbidden to beg for alms for any pious or ecclesiastical institute or purpose Read more