KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus Christmas buttons are available at the parish office for those that missed out and want one.
If you are at all interested in becoming a Knight or learning more of Read more
. Christmas Buttons – Again this year, the Knights of Columbus want to share the real reason for the season of Christmas. The Knights will be giving buttons away as you leave the church for the next 2 weeks Read more
Coats for Kids We are promoting “Coats for Kids” – a Knights of Columbus Ontario program that provides coats for children. We will have coats available for Girls and Boys (toddlers to grade 2) in sizes 4 to 7. Read more
SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Milk Bags – Please bring your clean and dry outer coloured milk bags for our Mat Weavers. Donations can be dropped into the SSVP tote in the Church entryway. Thank you. Christmas Cheer Read more
We have plenty of interesting information and resources from these local St. Mary’s Parish Lindsay organizations for you to choose, how you can volunteer, and be a part of your community. Read about, join or follow Our Parish Ministries Read more
SAVE THE DATE: Fr. SIMON FAREWELL PARTY September 15th after the 11am Mass we will be celebrating Father Simon and giving him a farewell party. Please join us in the parish hall. Donations of treats and sandwiches are welcome.
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KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS GOLF TOURNAMENT SUNDAY SEPT 8 with 2:00pm. start Once again, your Knights of Columbus will be putting on its annual charity Golf Tournament and it will be similar to last year –same course- Sturgeon Point Golf Read more
ST. MARY’S CWL Lori’s Place Housewarming Shower Lori’s place is a new housing facility for women and their children who will be living there for up to two years while they heal from a past of violence and abuse. Read more