Christmas Basket Organizing Committee Members will gather in the church parking lot by the trees and fence on Wed. Aug. 25 at 10:30 am. Please bring your lawn chair and pen.
Lindsay Community Food Market Food Drive Food tubs Read more
Here are some pictures from our Memorial Mass on Sunday 15th August.
$1250 was raised at our Development and Peace Yard Sale July 1st to 3rd. This will go a long way to helping protect our indigenous people on the Amazon Rain Forest or where most needed.
We had a wonderful Read more
The K of C Ontario Charities Lottery has been replaced by the K of C Ontario Charities 50/50 Raffle. A new format where electronic tickets are purchased on-line:
Tickets for the next quarterly draw are open for purchase Read more
Baby Bottle Boomerang 2021The Lindsay Pregnancy Crisis Centre is accepting donations in the following ways:– Cash or cheque in weekly collection: put your name and charity on envelope.– Donate online at Please make sure to select Read more
HUGE YARD SALE – 6 Orchard Park Road Thursday July 1 – 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday July 2 – 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday July 3 – 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lots of furniture some Read more
Our CWL is celebration 100 years this year!! We would like to find pictures of previous years; of your moms, sisters, aunts, grandmothers. We would also love any stories you have of them, to be included in a book Read more
Many of our “neighbours in need” are still experiencing food insecurity.
In order to continue our programs, we would appreciate your donation either made by dropping it off at the parish office in an envelope clearly marked SSVP, or Read more
Starting Sunday, May 2, 2021, the Catholic schools in our parish will engage in a series of events to celebrate the ongoing gift of publicly-funded Catholic education while celebrating the theme “Nurturing Hope”. You are invited to learn about Read more
Dear Parents and Teachers,
Once again we are following in-step with the current Lockdown order. Updates to our sacraments are as follows:
First Reconciliation: Please call the rectory to book your child’s First Reconciliation with Father Innocent. Our church Read more