Financial Collection: Volunteers will be at all church doors collecting for the needy on Sat. Oct. 5 and Sun. Oct. 6. Please be generous.
Food Collection: Boxes are at the doors of the church for your donations of food Read more
Please join us at LIFE CHAIN on 6 October at noon until 1:15 in Lindsay just west of Kent and Angeline St.
LIFE CHAIN is a peaceful, prayerful public witness of prolife Americans and Canadians standing in honor of Read more
Would you like to lead a class in saying the rosary together?
Once a month volunteers go into the schools for 15-30 minutes to share and model prayer.
You volunteer with the same class for the school year.
St. Read more
Attention all women: Are you nervous about speaking in public? Do your knees knock? Come out and learn effective public speaking techniques in a safe, supportive and fun environment on Sat. Oct. 19 from 9 am to 3 pm Read more
Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada: Support for the Bishops of Canada to proclaim the Good News As his term as President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) draws to a close, Bishop Lionel Read more
Come join us on October 5 Workshop – For our Common Home: A future for the Amazon, a future for all. We will be at St Anne’s Parish Centre, 859 Barnardo Ave., Peterborough, Ontario on Saturday Oct. 5, starting Read more
Thank you for your generous donations. Sept. 21 & 22: collection of food items, esp. pasta/sauce, paper towels, peanut butter, deodorant or canned vegetables. We thank our benefactors and volunteers for their generous response. Sat. Sept. 28: SSVP Feast Read more
Calling those who hold memories of the past . You are invited to spend time with other seniors, from St. Mary’s reminiscing about the old days .on Friday, September 27th from 2-4pm
This session is organized by The Victoria Read more
Harvest Tea and Fashion Show: If you still need a fascinator for our Harvest Tea and Fashion Show please call Glenda Klein at 705 340 5357. Remember doors open at 1 p.m. Come and listen to Peter Lukow provide Read more
Meeting: Plan to come to our next general meeting at Pizza Hut on Thurs. Sept. 19. Doors open at 11 am and meeting starts at 11:15 with lunch to follow around 12:30 pm.
Harvest Tea and Fashion Show: The Read more