It takes so much energy, time and care to be able to prepare for the events in our parish, in our church. Our Lenten Mission using the videos from …
Catholic Education Week 2013 begins on Sunday May 5. The Catholic schools in our parish will engage in a series of events to celebrate the …
At Sacred Heart Church in Peterborough April 28, Feast of St. Louis de Montfort @ 2:00 until about 6:30 (BBQ begins at 5:15). Featuring John …
This year Amnesty International, Lindsay Branch, is celebrating their twenty- fifth year with a gala dinner to be held on April 13 at the Lindsay …
Annual fundraising banquet on Friday, April 12 at 6pm. Tickets are $20 each, and are available at the Centre, 241 Kent St. W, (705)878-8527or by…