Welcome The Spirit Of Advent – Reflecting On The Joyful Mysteries Of Advent

How beautiful our Christmas celebrations when we take time for quiet space to ponder its deep meaning in our life. Come find a little space to pray in the spirit of Advent through reflection on the special Scriptures of the season and by finding anew for our times the joyful mysteries of the rosary.

Please join Sisters of St. Joseph, Sr. Gloria Theobald and Sr. Mary Rowell for this Advent reflection on Sunday, November 28th and Sunday December 5th, 2010, 2-3pm. at the Medaille Centre, Promenade Building, 270 St. George Street, (entrance off parking lot) Peterborough.

Space is limited so please confirm your wish to attend by calling Sr. Mary Rowell at 705-745-4478 ext. 26 or e-mail Sr. Gloria Theobald: ghheobald @ csipeterborough.com. All welcome!