Be sure to pick up your tickets today for the St. Mary’s Christmas Concert from one of the volunteers at the doors. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear this world-renowned choir of 120-180 boys. For only $20 you can hear this choir without the additional expense of travelling to Toronto — no traffic to fight, no overnight accommodations, no stairs to climb or no extra cost for meals.
Please help us ensure that these young talented musicians are singing to a full house. Be sure to invite and bring your friends. Tickets may be picked up at the parish office between 9 and 5 on weekdays or call Anne at 324-4688 or Glenda at 340-5357 for tickets.
Billeting: A very sincere thank you to all who have agreed to be host families to the members of the choir. We now have places for all the boys. No more host families are needed.
Tickets: Please note that tickets WILL NOT BE SOLD at the Church on the night of the performance. All tickets must be pre-bought. Thank you.