Society of St. Vincent de Paul Week 10 – 2020

Mar. 7 & 8 – Monthly collection at the doors. Please be generous.

Vinnie’s Feel Good Shopping – Did you know that the SSVP operates three thrift stores in the Peterborough area? These stores recycle clothing and household items and keep them out of our landfill. They are not just for the poor. When clothing is reused or repurposed, it also decreases our brand-new fashion purchases from unknown sources which might be using child labour. They also have some practically new high-end furniture for sale. Proceeds of sales help to stock the food pantry. So call a friend and visit Vinnie’s Feel Good Shopping stores at 799 Erskine St or 539 George St W in Peterborough or 144 Queen St in Lakefield.

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The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is a lay Catholic organization whose mission is:
To live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy.

Information updated November 2016