Restoration News

If you look at the front of the church right before the baptismal font you will see yellow tape around the area. This is not a crime scene! We are starting work on the kneelers, pews and floor and we are looking for your feedback as to the condition of the floor and where we should go with it as to varnish, stains or paint etc. Please take a look at it and give us your feedback.

You are well aware that the kneelers need repair and so we are doing the project as time and funds permit and will work our way around the church. It will be inconvenient at times but the work will steadily progress around the church.

Would you be interested in “Sponsoring a Kneeler?” $150 EACH COULD DO THE TRICK.

There are approximately 175 kneelers and it would sure speed things up if you are able to! We’d appreciate the generosity.