Reopening Protocols

June 12, 2020

Dear Parishioners,

I hope this letter finds everyone well.

We thank God for the good news that we can reopen the churches once more, even if in diminished capacity. These have really been strange times.

We will be having adoration and private prayers this coming Sunday June 14th, from noon till 6pm. Confessions will take place from 5pm to 6pm. Please do not open the screen when you go into the confessional.

Weekdays and Weekend Masses will resume on Tuesday the 16th.

There are certain guidelines that we need to be aware of so that when we come together for worship, we can maintain the safety measures that the health experts say are necessary for our well-being.

Here are a few of the ones we will be observing here at St. Mary’s parish:

1. The Mass times for weekdays and weekends remain the same, as well as the Saturday evening reconciliation. When you go into the confessional, please do not open the screen.

2. Monday night adoration is suspended for the meantime.

3. The bishop has extended the dispensation for physical attendance at Sunday Mass. So, for our seniors and those who have any illness that may have compromised their immune system they could:
(a). Attend any weekday mass since there would be a very reduced number of people and they can sit as far away from everyone as possible
(b). Or, continue to use the televised Masses by the diocese or any other medium of choice.

4. For now, we will not be offering Children’s Liturgy until things get back to normal.

5. If you have any illness or a high temperature, please stay home and stay safe.

For the rest of us who can attend Masses, please note:

1. It is very strongly recommended that we wear masks when we come to Mass. Each person is to provide his or her own mask.

2. We will not be singing at Masses until further notice.

3. On entering the church, there will be ushers with hand sanitizers so we can cleanse our hands before we go into the main body of the church. (We have ordered some automatic hand sanitizers, but they have not arrived).

4. If we can avoid touching things around the counter tops and elsewhere, that will be greatly appreciated.

5. The washrooms will be open for use. We will spray them with disinfectants between Masses.

6. All the pews will be disinfected after each Mass, before we start the next one.

7. Please check the pew you have sat on before you leave, and take all materials with you when you do.

8. Some pews have been taped off so we can maintain the 6 feet separation as recommended. Therefore, for seating arrangements, please follow the directions of the ushers. This may be a bit difficult at first because most of us have places we normally sit in when we come to Mass, but please remember that these are not normal times. It is only temporary.

9. The choir loft is also open for use when we come to the church.

10. If there is an overflow when we come to Mass, those who cannot get in could sit in their cars (weather permitting), maintaining the safe distance, and listen to the Mass on the parish FM channels 105.7 or 106.7. The ushers will direct you when to come into the church for communion.

11. The offertory collection will take place after Mass. The baskets will be there at the doors and we can drop our envelopes or cash into them on our way out.

12. We will not be selling cards in the church for now. But please feel free to call the rectory to order some cards. We will have it prepared for you before you arrive to pick it up. That way there will only be a quick exchange of envelopes.

13. Baptisms and other sacraments have also resumed as usual. Parents can call to have those arranged within the guidelines we are working with.

14. First Holy Communion and Confirmation will be arranged for at a later date.

Some of us have not seen each other for a long time. We encourage visits in the parking lot, but let us remember to maintain the safe distance that is required.

We are looking forward to seeing you all. Feel free to call the rectory if you have any questions or seek some clarifications.

God bless!
Fr. Balonwu