Parish Pastoral Council

Once again it is time to nominate members of the Parish for election to the Parish Council. Currently serving on the Council are Olga Everson (Parish Finance Council), Gary Byrnes (Knights of Columbus), Dorothy Carroll (Development and Peace and other parish organizations), Mary Eleanor Henley (Liturgy), and Becky Bloom (Youth/Young Adults). One member is still needed from the CWL. Currently, Larry McLaughlin and Kathy Boyle’s terms have finished. We would like to thank them for their service. Stacey Meenan has one more year left to complete her elected term.

We are asking for nominations for the two elected positions. It is a 2-year term and the Parish Council meets approximately 5 times a year.

Nominations forms are in the pews. Please do not nominate a person who is already on the executive for a parish group. Put the nominations in the collection baskets.

There will be two weeks for nominations and we will try to have the vote on June 2-3